Membership info
How to join Cardiff and Vale Riding Club, NEW MEMBERS WELCOME
C&VRC is an affiliated Riding Club and membership is renewed annually.
We Welcome both Junior and Senior members.
The new membership year runs for 12 months following your joining or renewal date.
Membership Subscriptions/renewals
All riding club memberships are only available through the new British Riding Club's Sport:80 website and membership will run for 12 months from joining date.
Current members will have been sent a link from BRC to create an account from where you can renew your membership.
For new members wishing to join us,
please cut and paste the link below to set up an account and membership. Thank you.
Take out annual membership via the British Riding Clubs Sports 80 Platform
Membership for 2025 is £40.00 for Senior/junior members (under 18 on January 1 of the membership year).
We look forward to welcoming members for renewals and new memberships
Please click on the membership link and set up an online profile with Cardiff & Vale r.c on sport80 to join.
Membership is now an annual rolling membership for 12 months. You will be prompted to rejoin at the end of this period.
This is the link to the page
CLUB EMAIL ADDRESS info@cardiffandvaleridingclub.com
Conditions of membership:
• All members are to abide by the rules and regulations as published in our handbook (The Club reserves the right to change and amend these as required)
Rules and Conditions for Members <<CLICK HERE>>
• All members are required to assist at a minimum of one event per membership year
Benefits of membership include:
Regular newsletters/e-bulletins
Subsidised club lessons and clinics
Eligibility to take part in the clubs lessons and clinics
Discounts on C&VRC events and show entry fees
Public liability insurance cover whilst attending club and BRC events
Entry into “Members Only” classes
Opportunity to win annual Trophies
Eligibility to represent the Club at the British Riding Clubs’ area competitions and National Championships
Cardiff & Vale Riding Club online shop featuring hoodies, tees and polos. Members and parents can directly purchase club items.
All prices include the club's embroidered logo.
Items are posted to your home address (costs are based on the total weight of the shopping cart).
Orders can take up to 28 days for delivery and are completed in a monthly batch.
Please make sure you double check your sizing before completing the order as we cannot process exchanges or refunds on customised garments. Size guides are provided in each product description.